Silkroad Imperial Kingdom
Before entering your password always check the address (Silkroad Imperial Kingdom). Any other website asking for it is a scam. Our GMs will never ask for it !

Silkroad Imperial Kingdom: (Online)
Player Online: 212 / 500

Fortress Warr Information

Hotan: _TemplarioS_
Jangan: Dummy
Bandit: Dummy
Constant: _TemplarioS_


Type Minimum Specification Recomanded Specification
CPU Pentium 3 800 Mhz Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz+
RAM 6000 Mb 64000 Mb
Graphics GeForce2 or ATI 9000 GeForce FX 5600 or ATI 9500
Sound Any DirectX 9.0c
Hard Disk 20 Gb
Windows 7 Recommanded
> If you have any problems running our client we have a forum where you can search for solved bugs or just use the help center button on the left.

Important:You have to make sure you are not running at the same time a program such as antivirus or firewall wich may block our installer or game client.

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Mirror 2 > MEGA
Desc: SroImperialKingdom Client
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Mirror 3 > Gloogle Drive
Desc: SroImperialKingdom
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Mirror 4 > Mbot
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Mirror > Sbot
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